
What's so random

I think too much these days.. well, i always think too much, but this is about my future. 
I come frustrated if someone ask what i wanna be. Architect? what came up in my mind is all about arts or music. But i don't know anything about them.... 

Now, it's holiday, i finally have a break from high school. I still can't adapt so well. Have too many tests in last two weeks. I wish i can be a eleventh grade student asap, and only learn science or social studies.

What am I gonna do...Should i extract all of the .rar folders (i have a lot, huge). 1 folder can consist 30 or 100 pictures haha. Thanks to korean masters. 
Lemme just share what pictures i got from this August till today...

p.s: seeing eunji here makes me remember about her and seo in guk in Reply 1997. YOU GUYS MUST WATCH IT. 


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