
LOVE@RTH Water Color Exhibition 2015


Pameran kedua dalam bulan ini. Saya datang tentunya pada hari yang sama dengan saat saya berkunjung ke JavaScript, pameran art yang disangkutpautkan dengan aksara Jawa. Silakan cek post sebelumnya disini.

Anyway, pameran kali ini adalah LOVE@RTH Water Color Exhibition Pameran ini ditampung oleh 2 gedung di Galeri Nasional Indonesia (gedung B dan C), 3-14 September. Tema LOVE@RTH diartikan sebagai Love Earth Through Art yang acaranya diadakan oleh komunitas International Watercolor Society Indonesia.

Bu Lydia Saputra (64); Bu Trini Taslim (67); Bu Renny Ris (58), sayangnya saya lupa foto karya-karyanya! 
Pada saat saya datang ke gedung C, terlihat ada anggota dari komunitas IWS Indonesia sedang melukis lho guys! Awalnya gue bingung karena, "Ini kan galeri, kok ngelukis di sini sih?" Tapi ya setelah saya tahu kalau itu adalah anggota dari IWS Indonesia, gue maklum, dan akhirnya menonton Ibu dan Bapak yang lagi seru-serunya melukis.

Sebelum pulang, saya dan teman-teman juga sempat bertanya ke pelukis-pelukis dari IWS, tentunya tentang watercolor. Ibu yang kami wawancarai dengan ramahnya menjelaskan, yang mana saja karyanya dan apa saja teknik yang bisa dipakai dalam watercolor. Kata ibu-ibu pelukis di sana, ada teknik yang memakai bumbu dapur contohnya garam, yang bisa memberi tekstur titik-titik. Ada juga yang pakai plastik. Ibu yang menjelaskan hal ini, yaitu Ibu Trini Taslim, belajar water color selama 7 tahun dan ikut dalam komunitas IWS sehingga dapat memasukkan karyanya ke exhibition ini.

starring Devina! (Waiting by Galuh Taji Malela from Indonesia) Karya super realis, detilnya luar biasa. :')

Art Now II by M. Fadhil Abdi from Indonesia. 

E@rth Wind Fire (Tripthyc) by Maya W.Suharnoko from Indonesia 
Kalau karya yang ini eye catching menurut saya, dikarenakan oleh permainan warna. Warna-warna yang digabungkan sama sekali ga sama, dan feelnya berbeda. Tapi, ini yang bikin karyanya unik dan eye catching. Meskipun warnanya berbeda kontras, tapi terlihat ada kesinambungannya. Dan lagi, pelukis nggak menambahkan hal-hal yang terlalu berlebihan dikarenakan warnanya sudah sangat 'keluar'. Simple, tapi dashyat.

Sav@ Indonesia-Sav@ Makassar by Karta Jayadi from Indonesia

Ocean Series II by Widiyatno from Indonesia
Dua gambar di atas hanya memakai satu warna dominan. Itu yang membuat saya suka. Meskipun satu warna, tapi terlihat kok hal apa yang mau ditampilkan. Seperti Ocean Series II yang dibuat oleh Bapak Widiyatno, sangat menonjolkan warna biru dan mata itu sendiri. Beliau juga menambahkan beberapa unsur garis dan titik di dalamnya.

Setelah ke sini saya jadi lebih membuka mata tentang karya. Karena emang dari dulu belum pernah terlalu care and open sama karya-karya seperti ini. Saya dan teman-teman juga lebih belajar tentang yang namanya watercolor dan penasaran ingin coba beberapa teknik bumbu dapur yang telah diberitahu sama pelukis-pelukisnya.

Benar, dalam sebuah trip, kita harus jadi orang yang terbuka, penasaran, dan bertanya.

Squad (Agnes; Filbert; Steven; CLARA; Cynthia; minus Devina)

Sayangnya, pameran ini sudah selesai! Padahal ada banyak sekali hal-hal yang belum saya jelaskan satu persatu. (karena banyak juga ya guys karyanya). Karya-karya di exhibition ini bukan hanya dari Indonesia namun juga berbagai negara lainnya. Jadi bukan hanya karya lokal saja, lho! Pasti banyak inspirasi yang bisa kalian dapat dari mendatangi karya ini.

Pameran ini akan berlanjut, tapi sayangnya bukan di Jakarta, tapi di Bentara Budaya Bali 24 Oktober - 2 November 2015. Mungkin yang tinggal di Bali bisa mampir dan melihat karya-karya fantastisnya!

JavaScript by Eddy Susanto


JavaScript book.Worth 20k only!

Sabtu lalu. 12 Agustus 2015, saya dan teman-teman pergi ke Galeri Nasional Indonesia untuk melihat langsung artwork dari Eddy Susanto,terutama karya Soekarno dan Kartini yang dibuat dari potongan-potongan kata. Jujur saja guys, awalnya untuk mendapat nilai bonus hehe. Tapi benar deh, karya Soekarno dan Kartini itu sudah booming di media sosial (sebut merk: instagram) dan dipost juga oleh akun-akun typography terkenal di instagram.

 It is actually my first time coming there and I was pretty excited!

Saat datang, pertama saya harus terlebih dahulu menitipkan tas dan barang-barang lainnya, dikarenakan untuk menjaga karya-karya yang ada.

Pameran ini berjudul JavaScript yang semua karyanya dibuat oleh satu orang, sang artist Eddy Susanto. JavaScript menggambil tema aksara Jawa. Saya yang awalnya memang kurang mengetahui tentang artist-artist yang terkenal di Indonesia jadi tahu satu orang ini dan karya-karyanya yang sangat autentik dengan bertemakan Bahasa Jawa. Karyanya ini banyak yang dibuat dari tahun 2014 sampai dengan tahun ini.

Pengantar dari Eddy Susanto.

Kartini; Soekarno; Pramoedya
Look at the details. Favorit!
Ini dia karya yang saya bilang booming. Bayangin karya diatas dibuat dari potongan-potongan huruf yang kemudian disusun satu-satu oleh Eddy Susanto sendiri. Bangga juga bisa melihat karya ini dari dekat dan ngeliat detil-detil hurufnya. Juga meskipun dibuat dari potongan huruf, masih saja mirip dengan sang tokoh. Perlu diketahui sama kalian, bahwa ketiga tokoh ini lahir di Jawa (yang sesuai sama temanya JavaScript) dan merupakan tokoh-tokoh terkenal. Buat yang nggak tahu, siapa sih tokoh yang berkacamata? Beliau itu  Pramoedya Ananta Toer sebagai tokoh sastra. Karya ini berjudul Defining The Nation yang dibuat dengan cat akrilik.

Saya saat itu juga tertarik dengan kalender Jawa yang bernama Pawukon. "Kalender ini memadukan sistem penanggalan Islam, Hindu, dan juga Julian yang identik dengan Gregorian" (diambil dari buku JavaScript). Pada waktu saya melihat kalender ini, saya mencoba untuk mencocokkannya dengan tanggal lahir saya. Ingin lihat, bener nggak sih? Tentu dibantu oleh orang dari sana, ternyata benar! Saya lahir 8 Juni 1997, tepatnya hari Minggu, dan di kalender tersebut muncul hari Minggu Wage. Saya merasa sangat amazed, suka banget!

Kalender Jawa.

Bukan hanya itu, Eddy Susanto juga membuat illustrasi/illuminasi dari banyak website seperti Google, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, dan juga site-site dari China atau US lainnya seperti Baidu dan Amazon. Illuminasi ini dibuat sesuai dengan ciri khas masing-masing website dan diisi pula dengan aksara Jawa. Yang saya suka adalah, karya ini mencampur trend masa kini dengan aksara Jawa. Ini membuktikan bahwa hal-hal yang cukup klasik dan bersejarah bisa saja dihubungkan dengan masa modern seperti website yang sering kita buka.

Kalau kalian lihat sendiri detailnya dan garis tepi dari setiap gambarnya itu pakai aksara Jawa! Membuat garis tepi yang tadinya hanya 'garis' jadi artistik dengan pakai aksara-aksara tersebut.
Sayangnya, semua karya illuminasi ini dihiasi sama aksara Jawa, baik garis tepi dan isinya sehingga saya nggak ngerti tentang isinya. Tapi tentu aja, itulah kekhasan dari karya tersebut. Karya-karya JavaScript memang punya rule-rule tersendiri yang membuat itu unik.

Illumination of google.com (starring Steven)
Kalau kalian ke sana, kalian bisa lihat sendiri karya-karya lainnya yang nggak saya sebut di dalam blog ini. Namun sayangnya, pameran ini buka dari tanggal 4-13 September 2015. Mungkin di kesempatan lain kalian bisa melihat karya-karyanya secara langsung. Cheers!


bang bang bang

Gue lagi agak sedih. #lebay

Jadi ceritanya kemarin itu para warriors geli Clar, BIGBANG, abis ngegelar konser lagi di Indonesia. Ya, gue udah tau sih dari awal pas BIGBANG ngumumin bakalan ada lagi world tour mereka, like heck, they will put Jakarta on the list. Gak mungkin nggak.
Beneran aja, kemaren tanggal 1 Agustus mereka ngadain konser lagi, kali ini di ICE (Indonesia Convention Exhibition) di BSD. Bagus ya, udah ada orang yang bikin tempat konser di situ, jadi seenggaknya lebih deket daripada jauh-jauh ke Ancol! Lagipula stadium nya udah ditutup kan ya. Tapi sama aja boong kalo gak bisa nonton. :'(

BIGBANG kalo gak salah terakhir ke sini segrup tahun 2013? Yang jelas saat itu gue masih kelas 10. Lama juga kan gak liat mereka, toh sekarang gue udah lulus.
Setelah mereka perform selama 2 jam dan bawain lagu-lagu baru mereka, such as, BANG BANG BANG, Sober, If You, dan kawan-kawannya... gue agak baper.

Abisnya semaleman gue liatin aja feed di instagram #MADETOURJKT. Haaaaah. Udah lama juga nggak ngerasain euphoria konser. Kapan terakhir ngonser, ya?

Yaudah sih, Clar. Bukan sekali ini lu nggak nonton.


Sort of a new life (1)

Hello I'm back, not with K-pop, sorry. I know K-pop stuffs will make my views rocket high up, but I'm not in the mood to do that.... (maybe I'll do one Beast or Infinite because it is nearing their comeback, we'll see)

If you noticed, or maybe not, I have finished my national exam and passed it with a good score, and now I am preparing for my university lyfe. Sad story short, I attended the SBMPTN, the entrance test for national university. I applied for Architecture and Fine Arts but unfortunately didn't get in. Sooo now here I am preparing for my orientation in UMN; Visual Communication Design.

Actually I am just a bit disappointed, because I know I don't work 'that' hard for this and I was hanging on a fake hope of mine that I could get in. I know, people around me keep saying that you need faith to do it! You have a great brain, so you will get in, right? You just have to believe. That was they said. But I was sure enough that faith with a little bit of work won't work. I was so eager to get into ITB Fine Arts, but my passion to learn social studies (because I learned science in high school) and draw were gone pretty fast. I just worked on what I knew on the test, and do my best on the practical exam.

I am praying that whatever that God choose for me is the best, so I leave it in Him.

Now, I just have to cover my ears and don't care about people thoughts on me.
I guess my choice is a good one.
At least I do what I like to do.
Look at the bright sideeeeeeeeeeeeee



Hello back again. I am actually on my long long loooong holiday after I finished my national exam in mid of April. And been searching and thinking of what topics I should talk about.

Then I came out, after I have just watched a movie called "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty".

It is not a new movie, and not the movie that people really talk and excited about (at least around me). It came out on late 2013, and I actually really want to watch it when I first looked at the poster, in the theatre, seriously. But, no, I haven't watched the trailer until this holiday and thought, wow, this is absolutely my kind of movie, I definitely have to watch it.

And I am really amazed.

I write the title 'Inspired' for a reason. Do you know that sometimes, after you watch a movie or read a good book, something just bugging you to do what you just watch or imagine? Something is asking you to get up from your seat and do things? Things that you are dreaming for like years or maybe not a minute ago? I have a lot of them, especially movies like that.

One time it's Bandslam, a movie about a guy who is really into music and ends up unexpectedly managing this one awesome band, and then you just really want to make music. Sing, write a song, and inspire people. (it is still my favorite movie, I remember the lines... and yet the movie is so underrated)
One time it's Wild Child, a movie of an American girl who ends up studying in a English old school and it's like her world turned upside down. But then she learns about life and things about what should a girl really do in his teenage life, not wasting it.
Last time it's Begin Again, probably a popular movie which also talks about music. That they are travelling to make their own album, even without a studio to record. Like can you imagine they are recording it live in the road, train station.. which makes me think that I can make music everywhere I like.

This time, it's Walter Mitty. The movie is a simple example of the motto that is infamous, I think. To go away from your comfort zone. Dream away. And go for it.
I am not gonna think about posting a review about it. I am just going to tell you that I enjoy this movie a lot. I love the character of Walter Mitty. I love it maybe because of the background of the movie, where also talks about photography.

I know those are just movies, dramas, that not really happens in life. But I'm inspired and I love them.

You should probably watch the trailer of "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty", in case you are curious about it.


HIGH4 (하이포) & what you need to know

New post about k-pop this week! I thought myself that I will be more diligent in writing more k-pop, but then I have my national exams coming this middle of the year (it is in April, teachers says), so maybe after this there will be no more posts for a while. Well... it depends!

Tell me, do you know about them?

HIGH4 is famous for debuting with the song "Not Spring, Love, or Cherry Blossom (봄, 사랑, 벚꽃말고)" along with IU, as I know IU is the one who offered the song to them because in the group there is the leader who is bestfriends with IU, his name is Kim Sunggu. I think, IU took a right choice to give the song to them and also sing with them. HIGH4 got a lot of recognition back then. The song even got #1 on music shows and charts. But after they released another song and a mini album, they are not really popular (I am sorry to say this, but it's true), which was a pity!

Why should you love them?

1. Listen to their song with IU "Not Spring, Love, or Cherry Blossom (봄, 사랑, 벚꽃말고)" It is amazing. Well I am a lover of a song that has an easy-listening feel to it, with the guitar sound layering it. If you are this kind of person, I am sure you will definitely love this song! But!

You have to pay attention to their vocals and the raps! Have to. For me, they really have that ability to sing and rap, and it is like putting two main vocals (Kim Sunggu & Myunghan) in the group with two main rappers in it (though Alex, the one with the pink hair, is getting the attention with the raps, but the other one, named really Im Youngjun improves in their new song)

I mean they got it, what's less is the popularity.

2. They released other two songs, the two of them has diverse vibes. HIGH4 release a classy song called "A Little Closer (해요 말고 해)" this time with Lim Kim. And I was like BOOM, the song can not beat their first song, because you know I am not a lover of the kind.

Their third song marks their 1st mini album release, it is called "Headache (뱅뱅뱅)" which I like because finally they released a playful song which also displayed their dance skills. Finally they are out to debut and showcase their skills to the stage!
For me this 뱅뱅뱅 song is really catchy and the M/V is cute too!

3. What is pushing me to write this post is that they released a new song!
This song attracts me since the first time I heard it and I'm like "Seriously I NEED TO write a post about it" so here am I.
The song is "Day By Day (비슷해)" which says that my days without you is not special, it just goes like 'that', it is the same day by day.

"Another song, another shade"
Because this song has another different vibe to it. They showcase the sadness of a relationship and they even cry in the music video.
The M/V itself is dark, monochrome. Really displays the sadness of the song. I extremely love the rap in the song and also the moment after the first chorus ends and the beat comes in. Seriously, I think I need to work in this field. It melts me everytime I hear it.

I really found it interesting in the part where Alex raps "We look like a perfect couple on the outside, but inside, we were like a bubble ready to burst" and a balloon pops. I like the video edits and it is fascinating to me. I just think the video needs a story inside it.

What a great song to start the year.


I just wanna touch, feel, love, again.




I hope you're spending the day with your loved ones, your family, friends, boy/girlfriend......

2014 RANT(s). -----------------------------------------

I am feeling really unproductive this year, 2014.

1. Simply you can see from the posts I've read and published are decreasing. Not that I am really busy until the point that I couldn't write anymore. (Truth is: I am) but I actually can spend and give my time if I am willing enough.

2. I sleep too much. For me who hate myself if I wake up late, holiday or not, it is really a different habit.

3. I've been hesitating a lot about my dreams. I've been thinking, from the school's seminars, the one they gave me from 2013 about our dreams, our visions. It is the time, where I once again think about it seriously to the point that I think: "Am I really into it?" I also think about the dream when I was a little. Do I choose this dream because I have the passion, or I just love it? Is there any other dreams that I forgot, slipped from my head?

4. Universities, oh gosh. I want to go to ITB, but I surely have to prepare for it well. I HAVE TO. I don't want to be just 'here' stuck in this hole forever. I want to go out and explore but I am not brave enough to make friends, to go and explore things I want to do.

Then again, I don't think this list should be made. I have to change my habits to be better, that's for sure.

2015 is time for action, isn't it?

I will face national exams, university exams, and hello college. Let's just.... prepare for the best.

And I'm going to recommend you a song that I've been digging to, it's Indonesian and it is my favorite song of the year and maybe until early next year... I hope there are many songs like this.
The song is called "Bahagia" by Gamal Audrey Cantika (GAC) and not just the song is addictive but the lyrics for me are so simple yet really build my spirits up.

Definitely for 2015, I will try to be more positive and hard working. Imagine that my dreams are up in the galaxy, but as long as I work hard, even though I only got it on the sky, I have tried my best!